Source code for geni.rspec.emulab.ansible

from __future__ import absolute_import

from lxml import etree as ET

from import Resource, Node, Link, Request, Namespaces

ANSIBLE_NAMESPACE = getattr(Namespaces, "ANSIBLE", None)
    import geni.namespaces as GNS
    ANSIBLE_NAMESPACE = GNS.Namespace("ansible", "")

[docs] class Playbook(Resource): """ An ansible playbook lists tasks. Most commonly it is associated with a role or collection as a top-level method of pulling in per-role tasks; but it can also stand on its own as a task list. Playbook runs typically require inventory and variable overrides for customization. If you are integrating a classic role (e.g. the `emulab-docker` role), you can use the default inventory, which places all hosts into the `all` group, and further adds hosts to groups named for the applied roles. If your role/playbook makes custom use of the `all` group, or otherwise cannot be part of global inventory/overrides files, you will need to set the `inventory_name` and/or `overrides_name` values so that our default generators create separate files, and our playbook runner uses them. If you require additional custom control of inventory or overrides generation, you can specify paths to generator executables, whose stdout will be sent to the `inventory_name` or `overrides_name` files you define. Non-zero exit code will fail the playbook run and the entire experiment startup sequence. If you require control of playbook run, you can provide a custom runner. Note that all inventory/overrides/runner paths are relative to `path`, which itself is relative to the profile repository checkout dir. If `become` is None, the Emulab user who created the experiment will be the "become" user. If you need `root` execution, set `become` to `root`, etc. """ __NAMESPACES__ = [ ANSIBLE_NAMESPACE ] def __init__(self,name,path=None,inventory_name=None,overrides_name=None, inventory_generator_path=None,overrides_generator_path=None, runner_path=None,pre_hook=None,post_hook=None,become=None): super(Playbook, self).__init__() self.addNamespace(ANSIBLE_NAMESPACE) = name self.path = path self.inventory_name = inventory_name self.overrides_name = overrides_name self.inventory_generator_path = inventory_generator_path self.overrides_generator_path = overrides_generator_path self.runner_path = runner_path self.pre_hook = pre_hook self.post_hook = post_hook self.become = become def _write(self,root): el = ET.SubElement(root,"{%s}playbook" % (ANSIBLE_NAMESPACE,)) el.attrib["name"] = el.attrib["path"] = self.path or "" el.attrib["inventory_name"] = self.inventory_name or "" el.attrib["overrides_name"] = self.overrides_name or "" el.attrib["inventory_generator_path"] = self.inventory_generator_path or "" el.attrib["overrides_generator_path"] = self.overrides_generator_path or "" el.attrib["runner_path"] = self.runner_path or "" el.attrib["pre_hook"] = self.pre_hook or "" el.attrib["post_hook"] = self.post_hook or "" el.attrib["become"] = self.become or "" super(Playbook, self)._write(el) return el
[docs] class addPlaybook(object): __NAMESPACES__ = [ ANSIBLE_NAMESPACE ] def __init__(self, playbook): self._playbook = playbook def _write(self, root): return self._role._write(root)
[docs] class Role(Resource): """ An ansible role groups related tasks, files, vars, etc into a well-known directory structure ( It may have top-level playbooks that apply part or all of the overall role (e.g., modularized member roles). The `group` parameter controls default inventory generation. If None, the `name` of the role will be used as the sole group; if non-empty, this value will be used to group the The empty string should not be used. If `source` (a git clone value) is provided, that git repo will be cloned into the profile repository checkout dir in `path`. Otherwise, `path` should point to a canonical Ansible `role` dir structure (e.g. """ __NAMESPACES__ = [ ANSIBLE_NAMESPACE ] def __init__(self,name,path=None,source=None,source_type=None,group=None,auto=True,playbooks=[]): super(Role, self).__init__() self.addNamespace(ANSIBLE_NAMESPACE) = name self.path = path self.source = source self.source_type = source_type = group = auto self.playbooks = playbooks or [] def _write(self,root): el = ET.SubElement(root,"{%s}role" % (ANSIBLE_NAMESPACE,)) el.attrib["name"] = el.attrib["path"] = self.path or "" el.attrib["source"] = self.source or "" el.attrib["source_type"] = self.source_type or "" el.attrib["group"] = or "" el.attrib["auto"] = str( for p in self.playbooks: p._write(el) super(Role, self)._write(el) return el
[docs] class addRole(object): __NAMESPACES__ = [ ANSIBLE_NAMESPACE ] def __init__(self, role): self._role = role def _write(self, root): self._role._write(root)
[docs] class RoleBinding(object): """ Binds a declared role name to a node. """ __NAMESPACES__ = [ ANSIBLE_NAMESPACE ] def __init__(self, role): self.role = role def _write(self,root): el = ET.SubElement(root,"{%s}role_binding" % (ANSIBLE_NAMESPACE,)) el.attrib["role"] = self.role return el
[docs] class bindRole(object): __NAMESPACES__ = [ ANSIBLE_NAMESPACE ] def __init__(self, binding): self._binding = binding def _write(self, root): self._binding._write(root)
[docs] class Override(Resource): """ Override an Ansible variable, on a global or per-host basis. You can set either a (computed) raw value, or bind to a parameter name (source="parameter", source_name="<param-fqn>") or password (source="password", source_name="<password-name>") Currently, the definition of the parameter binding is made at experiment runtime on the client side; this is necessary for per-experiment encrypted value support, and may inspire other cases. :shrug: """ __NAMESPACES__ = [ ANSIBLE_NAMESPACE ] def __init__(self,name,value=None,source=None,source_name=None,on_empty=True): super(Override, self).__init__() self.addNamespace(ANSIBLE_NAMESPACE) = name self.value = value self.source = source self.source_name = source_name self.on_empty = on_empty def _write(self,root): el = ET.SubElement(root,"{%s}override" % (ANSIBLE_NAMESPACE,)) el.attrib["name"] = el.attrib["source"] = self.source or "" el.attrib["source_name"] = self.source_name or "" el.attrib["on_empty"] = str(self.on_empty) if self.value is not None: el.text = self.value super(Override, self)._write(el) return el
[docs] class addOverride(object): __NAMESPACES__ = [ ANSIBLE_NAMESPACE ] def __init__(self, override): self._override = override def _write(self, root): self._override._write(root)
Request.EXTENSIONS.append(("addOverride",addOverride)) Node.EXTENSIONS.append(("addOverride",addOverride))