# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Barnstormer Softworks, Ltd.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from lxml import etree as ET
import six
from .. import namespaces as GNS
from .pg import Namespaces as PGNS
from . import pg
from . import stitching
from ..model.util import XPathXRange
_XPNS = {'g' : GNS.REQUEST.name, 's' : GNS.SVLAN.name,
'e' : PGNS.EMULAB.name, 't' : stitching.STITCHNS.name}
class Image(object):
def __init__ (self):
self.name = None
self.os = None
self.version = None
self.description = None
self.url = None
def __repr__ (self):
return "<Image: %s, os: '%s', version: '%s', description: '%s', url: '%s'>" % (self.name, self.os, self.version,
self.description, self.url)
def __hash__ (self):
return hash("%s-%s" % (self.name, self.url))
def __eq__ (self, other):
return hash(self) == hash(other)
def __ne__ (self, other):
return not self == other
def _fromdom (cls, elem):
i = Image()
i.name = elem.get("name")
if i.name is None:
i.name = elem.get("url")
i.os = elem.get("os")
i.version = elem.get("version")
i.description = elem.get("description")
i.url = elem.get("url")
return i
class Location(object):
def __init__ (self):
self.latitude = None
self.longitude = None
def __repr__ (self):
return "<Location: %f, %f>" % (self.latitude, self.longitude)
def _fromdom (cls, elem):
l = Location()
l.latitude = float(elem.get("latitude"))
l.longitude = float(elem.get("longitude"))
return l
class AdInterface(pg.Interface):
"""Wrapper object for a Node Interface in a GENIv3 Advertisement.
component_id (str): Component ID URN
role (str): The resource role of this interface (typically
"control" or "experimental"). `None` if unset.
name (str): Friendly name for this interface, `None` if unset.
def __init__ (self, name):
super(AdInterface, self).__init__(name, None)
self.component_id = None
self.role = None
def _fromdom (cls, elem):
eie = elem.xpath('e:interface', namespaces = _XPNS)
name = elem.get("component_id")
if len(eie) > 0:
name = eie[0].get("name")
intf = AdInterface(name)
intf.component_id = elem.get("component_id")
intf.role = elem.get("role")
return intf
class AdNode(object):
"""Wrapper object for a Node in a GENIv3 advertisement.
.. note::
In general this object is created on-demand through `Advertisement` objects,
but you can load this object from a Node XML element by using the `_fromdom`
component_id (str): Component ID URN
component_manager_id (str): Component Manager ID URN
name (str): Friendly name provided by aggregate for this resource.
exclusive (bool): True if a node can be reserved as a raw PC
available (bool): Whether this node is currently available for reservations
hardware_types (dict): Mapping of `{ type_name : type_slots, ... }`
sliver_types (set): Supported sliver type
images (dict): Mapping of `{ sliver_type : [supported_image_name, ...], ... }`
shared (bool): `True` if currently being used as a shared resource
interfaces (list): List of :py:class:`AdInterface` objects for this Node
location (:py:class:`AdLocation`): `None` if not available
ram (int): Currently available system RAM in megabytes. `None` if not available.
cpu (int): Maximum Per-core CPU speed in Mhz. `None` if not available.
def __init__ (self):
self.component_id = None
self.component_manager_id = None
self.name = None
self.exclusive = True
self.available = False
self.hardware_types = {}
self.sliver_types = set()
self.images = {}
self.shared = False
self.interfaces = []
self.location = None
self.ram = None
self.cpu = None
self._elem = None
def _fromdom (cls, elem):
node = AdNode()
node._elem = elem
node.component_id = elem.get("component_id")
node.name = elem.get("component_name")
node.component_manager_id = elem.get("component_manager_id")
if elem.get("exclusive") == "false":
node.exclusive = False
avelem = elem.xpath('g:available', namespaces = _XPNS)
if avelem and avelem[0].get("now") == "true":
node.available = True
stypes = elem.xpath('g:sliver_type', namespaces = _XPNS)
for stype in stypes:
sliver_name = stype.get("name")
node.images[sliver_name] = []
ims = stype.xpath('g:disk_image', namespaces = _XPNS)
for im in ims:
htypes = elem.xpath('g:hardware_type', namespaces = _XPNS)
for htype in htypes:
nts = htype.xpath('e:node_type', namespaces = _XPNS)
if nts:
node.hardware_types[htype.get("name")] = nts[0].get("type_slots")
fds = elem.xpath('e:fd', namespaces = _XPNS)
for fd in fds:
name = fd.get("name")
if name == 'pcshared':
node.shared = True
elif name == 'cpu':
node.cpu = int(fd.get("weight"))
elif name == 'ram':
node.ram = int(fd.get("weight"))
for intf in elem.xpath('g:interface', namespaces = _XPNS):
locelem = elem.xpath('g:location', namespaces = _XPNS)
if locelem:
node.location = Location._fromdom(locelem[0])
return node
def text (self):
return ET.tostring(self._root, pretty_print=True, encoding="unicode")
class AdLink(object):
def __init__ (self):
self.component_id = None
self.link_types = set()
self._elem = None
self.interface_refs = []
def _fromdom (cls, elem):
link = AdLink()
link._elem = elem
link.component_id = elem.get("component_id")
ltypes = elem.xpath('g:link_type', namespaces = _XPNS)
for ltype in ltypes:
irefs = elem.xpath('g:interface_ref', namespaces = _XPNS)
for iref in irefs:
return link
def text (self):
return ET.tostring(self._root, pretty_print=True, encoding="unicode")
class AdSharedVLAN(object):
def __init__ (self):
self.name = None
def __str__ (self):
return self.name
def _fromdom (cls, elem):
svlan = AdSharedVLAN()
svlan.name = elem.get("name")
return svlan
class RoutableAddresses(object):
def __init__ (self):
self.available = 0
self.configured = 0
def capacity (self):
return self.configured
class Advertisement(object):
"""Wrapper object for a GENIv3 XML advertisement.
Only one argument can be supplied (if both are provided `path` will be used)
path (str, unicode): Path to XML file on disk containing an advertisement
xml (str, unicode): In-memory XML byte stream containing an advertisement
def __init__ (self, path = None, xml = None):
if path:
self._root = ET.parse(open(path, "rb"))
elif xml:
if six.PY3:
self._root = ET.fromstring(bytes(xml, "utf-8"))
self._root = ET.fromstring(xml)
self._routable_addresses = None
self._images = set()
def _parse_routable (self):
elem = self._root.xpath('/g:rspec/e:rspec_routable_addresses', namespaces=_XPNS)[0]
ra = RoutableAddresses()
ra.available = int(elem.get("available"))
ra.configured = int(elem.get("configured"))
self._routable_addresses = ra
except Exception:
def routable_addresses (self):
"""A RoutableAddresses object containing the number of configured and available publicly routable IP addresses at this site."""
if not self._routable_addresses:
return self._routable_addresses
def nodes (self):
"""An indexable iterator over the AdNode objects in this advertisement."""
return XPathXRange(self._root.findall("{%s}node" % (GNS.REQUEST.name)), AdNode)
def links (self):
"""An indexable iterator over the AdLink objects in this advertisement."""
return XPathXRange(self._root.findall("{%s}link" % (GNS.REQUEST.name)), AdLink)
def shared_vlans (self):
"""An indexable iterator of the shared vlan names found in this advertisement."""
return XPathXRange(self._root.xpath('/g:rspec/s:rspec_shared_vlan/s:available', namespaces=_XPNS), AdSharedVLAN)
def images (self):
"""An iterable of the unique images found in this advertisement."""
if not self._images:
for node in self.nodes:
for image_list in node.images.values():
for image in image_list:
for image in self._images:
yield image
def stitchinfo (self):
"""Reference to the stitching info in the manifest, if present."""
elem = self._root.xpath('/g:rspec/t:stitching', namespaces=_XPNS)[0]
return stitching.AdInfo(elem)
except IndexError:
return None
def text (self):
"""Advertisement XML contents as a string, formatted with whitespace for easier reading."""
return ET.tostring(self._root, pretty_print=True, encoding="unicode")
def writeXML (self, path):
"""Write the current advertisement as an XML file that contains an rspec in the format returned by the
f = open(path, "w+")
f.write(ET.tostring(self._root, pretty_print=True))