- class Policy(vtsam)[source]
- getText(context, pid=None)[source]
Get the text contents of the policy requested. If no policy is specified and only one policy exists at the aggregate, that policy text will be returned.
- Parameters:
context – geni-lib context
pid – policy ID (typically from getversion output)
- Returns:
str – Text contents of policy
- class VTS(name, host, url=None)[source]
Wrapper for all VTS-supported AMAPI functions
- addDNSResourceRecord(context, sname, client_id, record_name, record_type, record_value, record_ttl=7200)[source]
- clearFlows(context, sname, datapaths)[source]
Clear all installed flows from the requested datapaths.
- Parameters:
context – geni-lib context
sname (str) – Slice name
datapaths (list) – A list of datapath client_id strings
- dropboxFinalize(context, authcode)[source]
Finalize the Dropbox account link for this aggregate.
- Parameters:
context – geni-lib context
authcode (str) – Authorization code given by Dropbox
- dropboxLink(context)[source]
Link your user_urn to a Dropbox account at this aggregate.
- Parameters:
context – geni-lib context
- Returns:
str – Dropbox authorization URL to paste into web browser
- dropboxUpload(context, sname, cvols)[source]
Trigger upload to associated Dropbox account from requested container volumes.
- Parameters:
context – geni-lib context
sname (str) – Slice name
cvols (list) – List of (container client-id, volume-id) tuples
- dumpFlows(context, sname, datapaths, show_hidden=False)[source]
Get the current flows and flow stats from the requested datapaths.
- Parameters:
context – geni-lib context
sname (str) – Slice name
datapaths (list) – A list of datapath client_id strings
show_hidden (bool) – Show hidden flows (if any)
- Returns:
dict – Key/Value dictionary of format { client_id : [(flow_field, …), …] }
- hgPull(context, sname, cvols)[source]
Update an HgMount volume with the latest data from the source repository.
- Parameters:
context – geni-lib context
sname (str) – Slice name
cvols (list) – List of (container client-id, volume-id) tuples
- setDeleteLock(context, sname)[source]
Prevent the given sliver from being deleted by another user with the credential.
Locks are cumulative, and removed by calling deletesliver. When the last locking user calls deletesliver, the sliver will be deleted. It is not possible to remove your lock without risking deletion.
- Parameters:
context – geni-lib context
sname (str) – Slice name
- class v4RouterPOAs(vtsam)[source]